With Microsoft PowerApps, organizations can simplify various tasks like new user configurations, service requests, and employee onboarding.
Microsoft Power Apps is one of the most adored Microsoft 365 products and is employed by businesses to resolve every kind of problem. Microsoft Power Platform partner, PositiveEdge help organizations by providing everything they require to improve processes and cope with the various demands they encounter.
Businesses can modify Power Apps with Microsoft’s newer versions.
What is it? Microsoft Power Apps?
Power Apps is an application creator that let users create mobile and web-based applications and forms with little to no.
Microsoft 365 is an app creator that Microsoft 365 app creator enables users to connect with databases, services, and apps from other third-party ecosystems. This creates a better business intelligence platform, which means increased interest from prospective buyers. When it was released the platform was noticed by developers.
Power Apps is a thriving application design platform that is suitable for all levels of experience. It was developed to assist users to develop interactive apps that can meet their business or personal needs. While it’s only been in existence for a brief period of time, however, it’s getting lots of interest and appears well-equipped to tackle the common problems that organizations face.
Microsoft has been doing quite a bit recently, and its latest features are simply amazing. With model-driven applications along with Power Apps Portal, you can create your own application with any style you’d like.
In addition, with the canvas applications which don’t require you to code in conventional programming languages, it’s all about personalization. This allows for a broad array of apps that could possibly provide greater functionality to enterprises using Power Apps.
Few Examples of Companies that can Utilize PowerApps through Microsoft Power Platform Partner
- Applications that integrate together Microsoft 365 services
The Meeting Capture template is a no-cost template available to Power Apps users. Microsoft created the application to allow users to make notes and assign tasks or activities to meetings.
The app also lets users take rich images using a camera on their device and is easy to use. This use case highlights a few important capabilities that Power Apps offers, which include: the integration of Microsoft Office 365 services.
For example, Exchange Online, Planner, and OneNote; the capability to utilize devices with hardware, like cameras the ability to use device hardware, such as cameras the capability to use touchscreens to make notes and draw.
- Application for Employee Onboarding
Since Power Apps can interact with and draw information from different Microsoft 365 services, many enterprises use the no-cost Power Apps template to create an app for onboarding tasks to aid the HR department and employees in onboarding.
The apps provide a variety of options for new employees to use including guidelines for policies as well as contact information for team members and forms that can be used to create their personal profiles.
- Image processing tools
Power Apps can be integrated with devices that have cameras, meaning businesses can create applications that provide functions for processing images.
Retailers, construction firms as well as healthcare providers can snap photographs of their products as well as other items while inspecting them using the camera on a mobile device and the information gathered through its GPS.
The customized inspection application can store some of the data inside SharePoint or the common data service layer, which is similar to an online database. In addition, companies that manufacture products are able to develop applications for quality inspections that allow employees to check the quality of products and snap images to document any problems.
Developers can use the platform to develop applications that take photos of people, then transmit the photos to a facial recognition back-end process, and then return the information regarding the person.
- New user setup scenarios
Power Apps can streamline new user configuration processes. It provides easy-to-use intake forms that hiring managers can complete and then submit to the appropriate departments for new employees.
Many companies combine Power Apps form with Microsoft Workflow to automate workflows and approval.
- Forms to be used for intake of sales
For employees who are on the road visiting client sites and who require sales outside of the office, they are able to make use of Power Apps along with a subscription to Microsoft Dynamics 365. This integration allows users to add data and extract it to Dynamics 365. Dynamics 365 CRM with easy-to-use forms.
- Service Request applications
Certain businesses utilize Power Apps to build an interactive helpdesk system that allows clients to create IT tickets using the application. Others use Power Apps to manage service requests from facilities maintenance such as HR, purchase orders, and many more.
- Applications that have complex relationships between entities
Through the model-driven method in Power Apps, users can develop fundraising applications that comprise a variety of entities: campaigns, donations recipients, donors, and users. These entities typically depend on each other for example, i.e. the donations come from donors, and recipients get the funds.
The model-driven approach helps users create apps that help manage complex relationships and information in the right way.
Developers can build apps on the platform and allow Power Apps users to develop entities inside the application. This means that users don’t need to design each of the screens required to complete this cycle of CRUD -creating, reading, updating, and deleting the cycle. This cuts down on the time needed to develop since users can swiftly develop fully functional apps using the platform.
Key takeaways
As we move forward, the need for applications will continue to grow as companies look for ways to simplify processes and find new ways to reduce costs and boost efficiency and productivity.
The latest enhancements to Power Apps enable businesses to create more sophisticated apps that can be accessed on tablets, desktops, or mobile gadgets. However, the cost of these apps could be a concern for companies as certain features of Power Apps’ advanced services require monthly charges.
Need a Power Apps Project Estimation?
PositiveEdge’s team is ready to estimate your Power Apps project, be it a simple business app or an integrated solution that includes the Office 365 suite or other Microsoft software.
PositiveEdge is the Certified Microsoft Power Platform Partner in India
Microsoft Gold Partner, PositiveEdge offers Microsoft PowerApps consulting services & implementation in India. When Collaborated, Microsoft Power Apps, Power BI, Power Automate, and Power Virtual Agents allow you to innovate and speed up delivery and implementation, anywhere in your business.
Why Choose Positiveedge Solutions for your Microsoft Power Apps?
- End-to-end well-defined processes
- Microsoft-certified cloud solution provider
- Strict adherence to standards and regulations
- Multiple engagement models
- No data loss & downtime during implementation
- An expert team and top-class professional services