Is your bank trending? Whether or not you have an online presence, your bank can go viral when customers share their good, bad, or “wow” experiences with your bank to their social media network. To keep your bank’s reputation intact, you should put customer experience – both online and offline – at the front and center of your initiatives.
You can deliver a superior customer experience by improving your bank’s customer service. According to Forbes, banks can improve their customer service by using customer relationship management (CRM) technologies. CRM can deliver even greater efficiency if you integrate it with your existing customer engagement tools such as live chat and phone support systems. CRM-integrated solutions can help you obtain a 360-degree view of your customers across all touchpoints, recommend and deliver personalized services and products, and thereby drive more profitable customer relationships.
CRM Integrated Live Chat Tool
Today’s customers – particularly Millennial customers – expect you to attend to their needs and queries in real time, making a live chat tool absolutely necessary if you want to stay competitive. In fact, more than 40% of surveyed online customers say that live chat is one of the most important features a website can offer, while more than 60% say they are more likely to return to a website that offers live chat.
Aside from proactive and real-time online engagement, live chat also enables improved efficiency. According to Salesforce, live chat allows agents to attend to multiple customers all at once – something they cannot do with a phone. Live chat can also drive sales, allowing you to avoid and reduce dropouts during a purchase process.
Live chat support systems can drive greater efficiency if integrated with your CRM system. PositiveEdge’s CRM Integrated Live Chat Tool, for example, enables agents to see a customer’s CRM contact details and view transcripts on a CRM application. It can also help you manage your customer service department across a variety of industries. This tool makes it possible to deliver quick, real-time, and personalized communications.
CRM for Contact Center
While customers demand live chat support, traditional phone support systems are not yet obsolete because many “customers still want to talk to a human being.” Customers still prefer phone calls to discuss more complex matters. But you have to enhance your phone support system to keep up with today’s customers’ expectations. They expect you to know and have access to additional information about their account after they have given their initial account details such as name and account number. They also expect you to already have an idea why they are calling you.
To cater to your customers’ demands, sync your phone support system with your CRM system. By so doing, you can manage your calls the smarter way and insightfully make decisions on multi-channel customer contact points. This will help you avoid customer churn and improve call center deflection rates.
PositiveEdge can help you implement a CRM for Contact Center solution and provide you with the right tools and information for interacting with your customers. We help integrate hosted telephone applications with on-site applications to ensure unified data management, promote transparency without risking security, and empower a more effective and relevant response from contact center agents.
Today’s customers are loyal to the brand that knows them
Millennial customers patronize not only the brand they know but also the brand that “knows” them. To be able to know your individual customers deeply, provide them personalized experiences, and keep your bank’s reputation intact, you should have a CRM system in place and harness it more effectively by integrating it with your existing customer engagement tools.
PositiveEdge can help you successfully implement CRM-integrated solutions. Get in touch with our experts to learn how.